
Our Services


Solid Waste Management Planning

Solid waste management planning is a process of developing a comprehensive strategy that effectively manages and handles various types of waste generated within a particular area or project. It overall aims to balance environmental protection, resource conservation and public
health considerations with managing waste, in line with project requirements.
A solid waste management strategy must be set at the beginning of the project planning phase to ensure the right infrastructure is incorporated. It involves many aspects as depicted below and is usually done at masterplan level, preceding waste design and engineering at project level:


  •  Legislative Framework: identifying local and international requirements to help define the
    overall skeleton of the strategy.
  • Waste Generation Assessment: quantifying and categorizing different types of waste
  • Collection and Transport assessment: identifying options for collection of waste throughout
    the development.
  •  Waste Infrastructure: Depicting local and national solid waste management infrastructure
    and facilities for handling, processing, treating and disposing of waste.
  • Waste Treatment and Disposal: identifying suitable methods for treating different types of
    waste such as composting, incineration, landfilling, recycling and hazardous waste
    treatment. The approach will be determined depending on waste characteristics,
    environmental regulations, waste infrastructure and technological feasibility.
  • Financial and Economic Considerations: Applying a financial feasibility to assess various
    waste management approaches to help clients make informed decisions prior to

The strategy on a masterplan level will determine waste management practices within a particular development which will then depict next steps on each project.
See our waste management design and engineering services here.


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